Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Dream Come True!

The minute I saw Suri Jack's farm and animals I knew I was in love! The farm layout was so beautiful and well kept. The animals just exactly as I had envisioned - gracefully grazing in the manicured pastures with a delightful pond in the background, complete with Trumpet Swans! That's what I wanted but again I asked God if that is what I should have. If not, PLEASE give me some indication! As anticipated the seminars were excellent, some led by Alpaca Jack himself! But still I kept asking "what would be MY market?" and holding off on a decision. Then Jack assigned us "homework" - Answer the question what kind of alpaca operation did we want and how were we going to get there. The next day when I turned in my paper he was amazed as no one had literally written down something to turn in before.

On the 2ND day, sitting in class I begin to feel confident that this was something I should do. My questions were being answered one by one. The amazing thing to me was that I can't even bet a quarter without getting nervous and I was about to take the BIGGEST gamble of my life - and I was perfectly calm about it. And, I still am. Even after purchasing not 2 alpacas, but 3 females and a half interest in a male. Even after the cost of building the barn was 3 times as much as I anticipated. Even after I decided I was going to have to borrow money for this venture. Even after I've had the lowest income in real estate since I begin 20 years ago (Know anyone that wants to buy or sell a house???). I don't feel any doors have been shut and I'm in to the finish now. I did tell Cameron if it doesn't work out I'll be living in that barn!

I came home excited and "infected" Danny and Cameron. They went up to "shadow" the people at Alpaca Jack's so they could learn working with the alpacas - after all they would be with them more than me. After their return all they could talk about was "Druette", an alpaca female they both really liked. In fact, not long after their return Cameron planned a romantic evening for Danny with a surprise. Though he certainly enjoyed the evening he told her afterward that he thought the surprise was that Cameron had purchased Druette! (Cameron, forgive me if I am, as you say, giving too much information!) I'm pleased to say that since that time they have found a partner to go in with them on the purchase and we will be bringing back 4 females!

We leave tomorrow for Ohio and I'm like a kid on Christmas eve. Not even the thought of a 12-14 hour drive each way dents my enthusiasm! I want my girls home!

Hopefully, many of you will come visit and see Adora, Bethany, Sinful, and Druette after we have them established in their new home! Of course I'll add pictures when time permits!

Pressing on (Phil.3:12-14)

Friday, September 5, 2008

Alpacas in Mississippi???

Cameron and Danny have agreed with my crazy idea so what is next? PRAYER and starting to learn more about the animals I was planning to raise.

The main prayer was if this "project" wasn't God's direction for me, then please "shut a door" as I don't hear answers too easily when it comes to something I want! It seems the doors keep opening!

As to learning, my initial questions were: Can an animal originally from the Andes Mountains of SA survive the HOT climate of Mississippi?? Next, once I raised them what did I do with them - what was the market for them?? Of course there was/is so much more I need to learn in order to succeed at my project!

Internet searching led to realizing I needed to visit other alpaca farms. The first was in North Carolina. This farm raised huacaya alpacas and I liked them but it wasn't what I'd envisioned and neither was the layout of the farm. The second was in Mississippi and also raised hacayas. Again, this just wasn't what I was dreaming about.

Next I was planning a trip to Ohio to see my brother Ben and his wife Mary Jane. I came upon the website of (Findlay, Ohio) and they were having a weekend seminar about the time I was planning to visit Ben. Two birds with one stone! The "doors" opened as I was last minute in getting reasonable airline tickets, the seminar had some cancelations so I was in, the timing was good for Ben and Mary Jane, and the hotel was cheap!

Off to my "dream"!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Alpacas? How did this happen??

This path I've embarked on all started several years ago when I was snow skiing in Winter Park, CO, and went in a knit shop looking for yarn. Yes, I love to knit! Anyway, while there I saw pictures of the alpacas the owners of the store were raising and thought they were sooooo cute! End of story - not quite. A year or two later I was in the same shop, saw new pictures and thought Cameron should raise these on her newly acquired land. They would go well with the cat, dogs, and pig! At least I thought that until I learned the price - never mind. I'm a "good mama/grandmother" but not that good!

Flash forward to this summer. I sold a rental property as I realized I was a "loser" as a landlord. The tenant went more months without paying than paying! I had planned to invest the money in land but hadn't found just what I had envisioned when something else happened. I was in another knit shop, this one in MS, and the owner was showing me raw alpaca fleece which she was thrilled to have purchased. (See a pattern here?) The light bulb went off and I realized that if Cameron and Danny were interested I could buy the alpacas and we could partner on raising them on their land!

In the Beginning....

I've never "journaled" anything! I think about it but never follow through - I think about a lot of things but never follow through! Anyway, I am going to attempt to chronicle the development of my dream - I've finally found what I want to do "when I grow up".

SO, welcome to Doaks Creek Farm! The actual farm is owned by my daughter, Cameron, and her husband Danny. It is located in MS just north of Canton, which is just north of Madison, which is just north of Jackson. I live in Madison. The farm consists of 18 acres and is currently home to my 2 grandchildren (Landyn (a girl who is 4) and Brendon (BOY who is 23 months), 2 golden retrievers (George and his mother Honey that Cameron already owned), Molly a blue heeler, Daisy a "fox terrier", Jada a newly acquired mix puppy, Elwood the cat, and of course Cameron's Moe the pot bellied pig! Oh yes, Danny enjoys roping (cows) so you can add horses to this mix - "Wildfire" a miniature horse for the children, Dan and Rip his roping horses, and a yearling for future roping!

My dream career is a part of the mixture too. WELCOME to The Alpacas of Doaks Creek Farm!! I have purchased 3 females and 1/2 interest in a male from Alpaca Jack's of Findlay, Ohio, with the intent of growing a herd and hopefully making a living from it - Is there life after real estate??

Hopefully, I will record the events leading up to this and how it develops in the future, plus pictures. I am being ambitious at least in my thoughts! In the mean time this is enough meandering for my first entry.

Who knows what an Alpaca is????